Home News American University of Sharjah hosts Smart City conference
American University of Sharjah hosts Smart City conference

American University of Sharjah hosts Smart City conference


Industry experts and academics from across the UAE will gather at American University of Sharjah (AUS) on November 22 to discuss the latest trends and research in artificial intelligence, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) pertaining to smart cities. Entitled “Applications of AI, IoT and CPS in Smart Cities Summit,” the conference will be held in the AUS Main Building on campus and will see a diverse range of sessions and presentations.

Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the AUS College of Engineering, the conference is a reflection of the university’s commitment to becoming a forum where research and innovation – especialy as it relates to the challenges facing the region – are discussed and carried out.

Dr. Fadi Aloul, Head and Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at AUS, said “As one of the leading and fastest growing CSE departments in the region, we are pleased to be holding this conference. With the concept of smart cities becoming such an important part of the country’s march towards innovation and technological advancement, it is incumbent upon us to play our role in this endeavor. Technology is now an enabler for every business in all fields. Everyone will soon need to learn how to apply it in their field to succeed. The event will feature a wide range of presentations delivered by some of the leading experts in the country.”

Speakers from Cisco, Nokia, IBM, SAP, VMware, HPE, Khalifa University and AUS will deliver lectures on a variety of topics. Sessions scheduled at the event include Big Data: Its Science, Industry and Business; Disruptive Technologies ad the Future of Cities; Superpowers of Technology; and Digital Transformation and Innovation, among others.


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