Home News Genetec’s video surveillance software leads the world
Genetec’s video surveillance software leads the world

Genetec’s video surveillance software leads the world


According to the latest research from Omdia (Informa), Genetec continues to build its position as the world’s number one developer of video surveillance software with a widening share of the market.Overall, Genetec grew at three times the pace of the market and demonstrated the fastest growth of all leading software companies across all geographies. It was measured against the top-five video surveillance software manufacturers per region, listed in Omdia’s most recent research report.

Enterprise, government, education, and public safety organizations alike are seeking a greater privacy and cybersecurity functionality, as well as additional operational value and return on investment from their physical security systems. Their requirement for a secure video surveillance solution as part of a truly unified physical security platform has resulted in Genetec outpacing market growth across all geographies.

Additionally, according to the report, Genetec is now the No.1 western supplier for back-end video surveillance equipment which combines recorders, encoders and software, demonstrating an increasing demand for trustworthy devices from a recognized leader in privacy and cybersecurity.

Comparing Year-on-Year Omdia Research Statistics (2018 to 2019):

  • Genetec increased its lead as #1 video surveillance software in the world, with 11.9% market share (up from 10.6% in 2018)
  • Genetec global market share growth increased 18.7% year on year, from 10.6% in 2018 to 11.9% in 2019
  • Genetec saw the fastest growth of the ten largest vendors in EMEA at 19% in 2019
  • Genetec posted Asia’s highest video surveillance software growth at 37%, compared to 11.1% growth for the market in general
SNS Mideast
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