Ensuring greater diversity in cybersecurity particularly empowering more women and the importance of protecting children in Cyberspace were key themes as the 2022 Edition of the GCF wrapped up
The second day of the 2022 Edition of the Global Cybersecurity Forum (GFC) wrapped up after seeing substantive debates on tackling child exploitation and abuse online, predictions on a post-quantum cyber future and improving diversity within cybersecurity. Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalization and Development, Oxford University, shared his insights about what a new cyber order would likely look like, how the current and future states of Cyberspace will affect our lives, and how we can navigate it, stating that “global harmonization is a dream” and instead “mutual cooperative operating systems” would be the way forward.
Women in cybersecurity was a key theme, with a special session entitled ‘Mind the Gap’ convening a panel of women including Juliette Wilcox CMG, UK Cyber Security Ambassador, to address the challenges for women in cybersecurity.
Also in focus on day two was the protection of children online. International think-tank DQ Institute launched its Child Online Safety Index (COSI), a ranking of countries in relation to the strength of their child online safety measures. The index surveyed over 330,000 children and adolescents across 100 countries to assess the spread of cyberbullying and cyber threats. In light of the findings, Dr. Yuhyun Park, Founder and CEO of DQ Institute, challenged the audience to consider whether they were “putting children or technology first.”
Memoranda of Understanding were signed between the National Cybersecurity Authority, the founder of the Global Cybersecurity Forum, and the DQ Institute, We Protect, UN agency the International Telecommunication Union, and UNICEF, that will implement several projects in support of child safety in Cyberspace – a central theme of the Forum.
The 2022 edition saw over nine thousand people from 117 countries attending the event with over 120 expert speakers across the diverse program.
The GCF podcast series, Rethinking Cyber, which was launched last month, continues to explore a range of compelling and accessible topics on Cyberspace, featuring several 2022 Edition speakers, released every Friday and is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.