Home Tag "artificial intelligence"

AI is helping to innovate the technology of tomorrow

Jos Beernink, Director Channel Sales, Milestone Systems, speaks to Anita Joseph about how Artificial Intelligence is a gamechanger, being leveraged to process much more data in much less time, how the safety and security market is growing exponentially and how it will be a while before AI can replace human capabilities.

Bosch expands its involvement in Cyber Valley

Bosch plans to ramp up its activities in the emerging technology of artificial intelligence (AI): in Tübingen in Germany’s Cyber Valley, the supplier of technology and services intends to invest some 35 million euros in a new “Bosch AI Campus.”

AI has made safety and security an intuitive, intelligent domain

Today ‘intelligent’ security systems are gaining considerable traction and changing the way we perceive the world. Aditya Shah, Managing Director of MBM Amnex, speaks to Anita Joseph about the way AI is changing the safety and security landscape, the various new-age products and solutions that the company is offering, and how AI is bringing the future close to us.
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