Home Tag "Central Bank of the UAE"

UAE Banks Federation organises a workshop to simulate cyber attacks

The event has raised efficiency and infrastructure security level of the financial sector Under the supervision of the Central Bank of the UAE, the UAE Banks Federation organised the largest simulated cyberattack in the Middle East, in order to support the Central Bank’s efforts in enhancing cybersecurity through best practices and advanced systems while ensuring the stability and flexibility of the financial system in the country. The workshop aims to enhance the financial sector’s readiness against cyberattacks, by presenting realistic […]

UAE’s Banks participate in national cyber war gaming exercise

In a first-of-its-kind exercise in the UAE, Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE), and UAE Banks Federation (UBF), in collaboration with KPMG Lower Gulf conducted a cyber war gaming exercise, a simulation drill designed to test the UAE banking sector’s cyber resilience, as well as strengthen its capability to deal with increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.
SNS Mideast
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