Home Tag "Drones"

Communication challenges plague drones

There is considerable hype about fleets of drones delivering packages and surveying infrastructure. But no one has worked out how exactly these fleets will communicate at scale. It is one thing to create a prototype application with radios

Drones for safety and security

In conversation with SNSMideast, the founder & CEO for FEDS, Rabih Bou Rached talks about the growing use of drones in todays world and allays all the privacy and security concerns associated with drones.

Drones the future of public space safety

Drones or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is the best example one can give for a technology that has great benefits and even greater challenges. Drones are said to be the future of public safety and security while public themselves are fearful of it in the present case scenario.

Commercial drones market to grow by 20%

According to Falcon Eye Drones (FEDS), the Middle East’s leading provider of DT^3 (Drone Technology, Data Technology, and Digital Transformation) technology, expressed that Dubai’s new drone law will position the emirate as the world’s commercial and start-up hub
SNS Mideast
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