Home Tag "KPMG"

UAE’s Banks participate in national cyber war gaming exercise

In a first-of-its-kind exercise in the UAE, Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE), and UAE Banks Federation (UBF), in collaboration with KPMG Lower Gulf conducted a cyber war gaming exercise, a simulation drill designed to test the UAE banking sector’s cyber resilience, as well as strengthen its capability to deal with increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.

GCC infrastructure spend to boost economy

The GCC is ready to throw off the shackles of lower GDP growth in 2020 with spending on infrastructure forecast to boost the region’s non-oil expansion. That’s the upbeat forecast in a report by Ventures Onsite, the construction intelligence partner of Intersec,

MEA smart cities market to reach $2.7 billion by 2022

The 6th Annual Arab Future Cities Summit highlighted the region’s rapid development to become a global leader in smart cities, with Dubai being at the forefront of this transformation. With this growth, the role of digital technologies and smart solutions is ever increasing.
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