Home Tag "Trojan"

ESET reveals iRecorder spies on its users

ESET researchers have discovered a trojanized Android app named iRecorder – Screen Recorder. It was available on Google Play as a legitimate app in September 2021, with malicious functionality most likely added in August 2022. During its existence, the app was installed on more than 50,000 devices.

ESET Research uncovers new banking trojan

ESET Research has uncovered a new banking trojan that has been targeting corporate users in Brazil since at least 2019 across many sectors, including engineering, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, finance, transportation, and governmental institutions. ESET dubbed the new threat Janeleiro.

ESET explores Mekotio banking trojan

ESET researchers explored the Mekotio, a Latin American banking trojan targeting Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries: mainly Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Peru and Portugal. Mekotio boasts several typical backdoor activities, including taking screenshots,
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