Home Tag "UK"

AMG to embark on growth phase globally

AMG, the ISO 9001:2015 approved UK manufacturer and global provider of environmentally robust fibre, analogue, IP/Ethernet, wireless & hybrid communication transmission solutions, announced the plans to promote its British designed and manufactured products to markets around the world.

Cybercrime court to be established in London

The city of London took the lead to establish a new flagship court specifically designed to tackle cybercrime, fraud and economic crime and the Lord Chancellor David Gauke reiterated that the new move will reinforce the UK’s reputation as a world-leading legal centre. The new flagship court is developed in partnership with the City of London Corporation and the judiciary will be built on the site of Fleetbank House in the heart of the City. According to an estimation, English law […]

Big British contingent to be present at Intersec

Large contingent of British security companies lead by the Export Council  of British Security Industry Association (BSIA) are all geared up for successful participation at Middle East Afric biggest commercial and physical security show, Intersec this year to be held in Dubai, UAE from January 21 – 23, 2018.
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